DICO is happy to announce that its Standard 11 on “Whistleblower Systems” is now also available in English. We would like to thank the authors of this publication, the DICO working group “Internal Investigations and Whistleblower Systems” as well as the Viadrina Compliance Center of the European University of Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) for the scientific revision of the document.
Beginning with an introduction to the topic of whistleblower systems, including legal framework and principles, the publication continues with its main aspect of process implementation. This step is divided into three parts – planning (plan), implementation (do), check & improvement.
We would like to thank all participants of the DICO working group “Internal Investigations and Whistleblower Systems”.
DICO Standard 11 in English as well as in German language is available for all DICO members via the DICOllaborate Sharepoint. All non-members can purchase the publication here.